AAR Mobility Systems is a leading global supplier of military rapid deployable equipment and mobile tactical shelters. We offer various products that enhance our military and government customers’ ability to mobilize, deploy, manoeuvre, and sustain forces. We back our products with quality production and a network of service centres, field service teams, and strategic partners.
Palletised Systems for military applications
We offer a range of pallets and palletised solutions, including 463L air cargo pallets, custom pallets and platforms, and pallets for air-transporting ISO containers. Our quick-change palletized seat systems are designed to fit all military aircraft, ensuring efficient and secure transportation of personnel and cargo.
ISU® Containers
Our internal airlift/helicopter slingable containers are lightweight and versatile, offering a one-pallet position for easy loading and unloading. We provide standard and speciality containers tailored for customized air-mobile shipping and storage of cargo, meeting the highest standards of durability and reliability.
Tactical shelter systems
Our tactical shelter systems utilise proprietary features for rapid aircraft on-and-off load. They are designed for quick deployment in any environment and provide essential protection and functionality. They are available in standard and custom one and two-pallet position air mobile configurations, as well as 20-foot ISO shelters.
Command and control systems
Our command-and-control systems feature C4 system design and integration, as well as radio interoperability systems. These ruggedized models gather and relay critical battle information to Tactical Operation Centers (TOC), Command Posts (CP), and emergency response centres, in addition to other fixed or transit-case mobile sheltered systems.
Expeditionary systems
Our comprehensive range of expeditionary systems includes maintenance and calibration shops, mobile power solutions, and water purification and treatment systems. We also provide critical mobile encampment components such as laundries, offices, kitchens, dormitories, labs, and clinics. These systems are designed to provide essential support in remote and challenging environments.
Sustainment and technical services
We offer a full suite of sustainment and technical services, which include shelter modification and integration, RESET, C4 system upgrades/refreshes, field/depot maintenance and repair, and hands-on training for all our products.
AAR Mobility Systems products are characterized by their lightweight design, intermodal and airworthy capabilities, energy efficiency, and minimal transport footprint.