The US Department of Defense announced on 11 May that US-based company Systems & Technology Research LLC (STR) has secured a contract worth $28m.

The agreement is a cost-plus-fixed-fee completion contract for the third phase of the Joint All-Domain Warfighting Software (JAWS) programme.

In the JAWS programme, part of the Joint All-Domain Command and Control (JADC2) effort, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is developing a suite of tools that will support battle management with dynamic command-and-control from the theatre level.

STR is a provider of sensor signal processing and information processing technologies for military, intelligence, and homeland security applications.

JAWS has been designed to enable dynamic coordination of combative actions across the battlespace, even when sensors, weapons, and decision-makers are not assumed to be colocated. The programme aims to develop software that will enable combatants to synchronise combat operations across domains, including undersea, sea surface, land, air, space, and electromagnetic, according to a DARPA announcement.

STR has secured a contract that will allow them to continue their Phase 1 and 2 research. The research aims to enhance the efficiency of military forces by implementing theatre-scale battle management command and control with automation and predictive analytics.

The upcoming Phase 3 of JAWS is set to expand and enhance the orchestration services, predictive analytics, and user interfaces that were established in the initial two phases of the programme.

The work by STR on JAWS is set to take place across several locations in the US, including Woburn, Massachusetts, where the majority of the work will be performed. Other locations include Malden, Poway, Tewksbury, Fairfax, Churchville, Arlington, and Brewster.

The project is expected to be completed by August 2024.

At the time of award, a sum of $1m in research, development, test and evaluation funds for FY23 has been obligated.

The acquisition of this contract was done through sole-source procurement. The contracting activity for JAWS, designated HR0011-23-C-0095, is DARPA, located in Arlington, Virginia.