
Does your organisation struggle with information silos, disparate systems, ambiguous and vast amounts of content, as well as inconsistencies in information management policies and procedures?

Our team of experienced professionals recognise that information management issues are not just technology related and that technology alone cannot be used to solve these issues. This is where Myriad Technologies stands apart from our competitors.

The fundamental success of our information management projects relates to the use of a variety of subject experts, including principal consultants, business analysts, technical consultants, developers and trainers. By combining the specialised skills of these experts we ensure that all aspects of information management – the people, the processes and the technology – are considered, something that is often overlooked by other inexperienced vendors.

Through our proven information management methodology, we can help your organisation break down silos of information across departments and geographical locations, reduce duplication, resolve ambiguity, and develop strategies and policies for better management of information, thereby increasing clarity, mitigating conflict and reducing costs.