
Lightweight, highly flexible RPG protection systems

  • Designed for optimized protection against PG-7 & SPG-9
  • Providing high survivability for soldiers
  • Technology tested and approved by few modern western armies around the world
  • Highly durable solutions – does not degrade vehicle speed or maneuverability
  • Modular systems – can fit any tracked or highly armored vehicle

Plasan developed an Innovative passive protection solutions to defeat PG-7 and SPG-9, shoulder fired Recoilless & gun fired.

Technology that have been tested and approved by few modern western armies around the world with Maximum protection at minimum weight & cost.

HSF – Hybrid Slat Fence

Lightweight, Flexible Composite Bar Armor

The new generation Hybrid Slat FenceTM (HSF) is a lightweight flexible composite bar armor that uses unique defeat technology to protect against even the newest RPGs which feature an insulation layer between the RPG ogives.

FF – Flex Fence

A unique RPG defeat passive solution by Plasan.

FlexFenceTM is designed for maximum soldier’s protection at a lightweight and at an affordable cost.

Can be easily mounted onto any existing armored platform or structure without any design changes.

Both HSF and FF Meets all relevant environmental testing standards according to MIL-STD-810.

HSF can be used in combination with FlexFence for the opaque areas to achieve optimized protection.