The Surface Clearance Device (SCD) can be fitted to allow a vehicle to push through an area where mines or other obstacles are present. The system comes with either a V-blade to move obstacles to the side of the vehicle or with an angled blade for the full clearance of a particular route such as a runway, urban environments or fields.
A Dozer Blade (CDB) can also be used to clear urban road blocks and rubble and to open routes. It can be used to prepare defensive positions and to fill anti-tank ditches where required. The Earth Anchor Blade (EAB) can be fitted to a variety of vehicles to provide a platform for winching in a wide range of ground conditions.
The Excavator Manipulator Arm (EMA) enables vehicles to dig, demolish, remove obstacles and fill trenches to clear a route for other task forces. For more information, please look at the products below:
- http://www.pearson-eng.com/products/surface-clearance-device/
- http://www.pearson-eng.com/products/combat-dozer-blade/
- http://www.pearson-eng.com/products/earth-anchor-blade/
- http://www.pearson-eng.com/products/excavator-manipulator-arm/