Babcock is enhancing its support for Ukraine’s military by setting up an engineering facility in the country, dedicated to the repair and overhaul of military vehicles, announced 24 May 2024.

In collaboration with Ukraine Defence Industries (UDI), the state-owned defence holding company, Babcock aims to ensure critical military assets are operational and available as required.

The British manufacturer has been exploring collaborative defence projects in Ukraine at least as early as June 2021, following the signing of a Memorandum of Implementation  between Babcock, the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine, and the UK Government.

Efforts are currently underway to establish this new facility, which will enable the delivery of additional military assets to service.

Babcock already provides maintenance, repair, and asset management for most of the British Army’s vehicles and equipment. Since July 2023, the company has also been offering technical and engineering support to Ukraine’s military from the wider region. 

Babcock was awarded a £50m contract by the UK Ministry of Defence in July 2023 to assist with Ukraine’s military land assets, sustaining and managing its armoured vehicles, including the Challenger 2 tanks and tracked combat vehicle reconnaissance, provided by the UK to Ukraine’s military.

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David Lockwood, Chief Executive Officer of Babcock, stated: “Our investment in an in-country armoured vehicle engineering facility aims to return military equipment and assets to Ukrainian armed forces as efficiently as possible. This will allow for quicker repair and restoration of critical military assets to the front line.”

Babcock Ukraine, established in 2023, is already involved in supporting Ukrainian naval assets and training future Ukrainian Air Force fighter jet pilots.

The joint stock company UDI is a key manufacturer of weaponry and military hardware in Ukraine. UDI consolidates state enterprises in the strategic sectors of the national defence industry, employing approximately 54,000 skilled workers.