Light Vehicle Load Restraint
By XL Service BodiesEvery time you (or your staff) drive your work ute or trailer out of your driveway, you could be breaking the law. The problem is that
determining the rules and regulations around load restraint for vehicles under 4.5TGVM is confusing at best.
While there is the National Transport Commission's Load Restraint Guide (2004) that covers heavy vehicles, and that many jurisdictions refer to for lighter utility vehicles, the rules are enforced on a state-by-state basis, and in some cases, the penalty depends on the police officer and traffic authority themselves.
In other words, most states are doing a poor job of educating drivers, fleet managers and others, not to mention law enforcement agents. Is it legislated under work health and safety? Or traffic regulations? And what is the chain of responsibility?
On top of this, there is also a raft of Australian and international standards governing load restraint that need to be understood.
The bottom line is whether you are a sole trader, subcontractor, small business tradie, handyman or brickies' labourer, you are bound by the same basic rules and regulations as the heavy haulage industry.
Please download this free white paper for more information.