RTX had four patents in quantum computing during Q4 2023. The patent describes a physically unclonable function (PUF) device using quantum dots (QDs) to generate unique colors when excited by light. The device includes multiple layers of materials with random distributions of QDs that emit different colors, and a detector to capture the emitted light pattern for output. GlobalData’s report on RTX gives a 360-degreee view of the company including its patenting strategy. Buy the report here.
RTX grant share with quantum computing as a theme is 50% in Q4 2023. Grant share is based on the ratio of number of grants to total number of patents.
Recent Patents
Application: Ultra high entropy material-based non-reversible spectral signature generation via quantum dots (Patent ID: US20230396424A1)
The patent filed by RTX Corp. describes a physically unclonable function (PUF) device that utilizes quantum dots (QDs) to generate unique patterns of light in response to excitation. The device consists of layered structures with random distributions of QDs of different types that emit distinct colors when excited. A detector is attached to detect the emitted light pattern, providing an output indicative of the detected pattern. The method involves forming the layered structure, infusing QDs into optically clear mediums, curing the layers to fix the QDs in position, and coupling a detector and excitation source to detect the emitted light pattern. The device is designed to be externally unrevealed, with different appearances of the light pattern depending on the layer detected.
The method further includes constructing the device with different bandgap QDs in the layers, applying a reflector for protection and concealment, and enclosing the device in a tamper-evident structure to prevent unauthorized access. Additionally, the method involves coupling external control signals and computer systems to control and interpret the light patterns detected by the device. The layered structure can be directly formed onto a support structure, such as a three-dimensional object, and can include multiple layers of QDs to generate a variety of colors and patterns. Overall, the PUF device described in the patent offers a secure and unique identification solution based on the distinct light patterns emitted by the quantum dots in the layered structure.
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