
Following August’s successful launch of the NORTAC ORION™ App for Android, Nortac Defence™ is proud to announce the launch of the NORTAC ORION™ App for iOS.

Transforming cellphones into tracking, encrypted messaging, and emergency alert systems is achieved with the NORTAC ORION™ App. By sending position reports at defined intervals to the TITAN BY NORTAC™ Platform, these applications enable an organization to have a complete overview of the users’ location and safety status in near-real time. The applications are integrated with the TITAN BY NORTAC™ Platform and allow users to connect to the Platform through Wi-Fi or Cellular communication.

The map is displayed in satellite view and the zoom feature is accessed using an intuitive pinching motion of the fingers. NATO POI’s and inclusive and exclusive geofences can be synched from the TITAN BY NORTAC™ Platform to the map.

Notifications are displayed as red or blue. Red notifications include emergency alerts, emergency acknowledgements, speed alerts, geofence alerts, non-report alerts, nearest responder alerts. Blue notifications are for new messages received.

There are also floating buttons which allow the user to centre the map on the user’s current location; a check-in button to send an instant report to the platform; an emergency button to raise an alert on the platform (and with any other devices that have been included in an alert rule); and a chat button which gives the user access to notifications and address book functionality and enables them to send secure encrypted messages to the TITAN BY NORTAC™ Platform and to any asset (or groups of assets).

NORTAC ORION™ is not limited to “messaging” with only other cellphone users on same account with the NORTAC ORION™ app; because the application is fully integrated with the TITAN BY NORTAC™ Platform, it can also message with NORTAC WAVE™s, or any devices that have been integrated to the platform and are registered on same platform account. Similarly, subscribers to Situational Awareness on the NORTAC WAVE™ can include assets using the NORTAC ORION™ among its members for which the subscriber NORTAC WAVE™ has situational awareness information.