
In our quarterly update, DHS Technologies discusses the success of their DRASH products with the US military, the latest products and upgrades available for clients, and an interview with central regional manager Trent Baer reveals how business development could benefit clients.

Intelligent Power Technology® (IPT) upgrade kits now available

For a fraction of the cost of a new IPT System, an existing analog system can be completely converted to digital and incorporated into a micro-grid.

1st ID ensures mission-readiness at Ft. Riley

David Johansson, DHS System’s business development representative for Ft. Riley, KS, assisted the 1st Infantry Division in the setup of their D-Main to ensure its mission-readiness.

Joint Task Force-Bravo transports DRASH™ system as part of mobile operating room

As part of a months-long medical readiness exercise, members of Joint Task Force-Bravo sling-loaded and transported a 4,823lb self-containment system with a Chinook-47 helicopter.

DRASH™ shelters utilised by 89th Sustainment Brigade

The DRASH™ TMSS Large provides the backbone for the response system that the US Army Reserve and FEMA plan to utilise in cases of natural disaster.

DRASH™ provides IPT Operator and Maintenance Class

The CECOM Power Generation & Environmental Systems Logistics Assistance Community (P&E) gave accolades to DRASH™ for OEM training that was provided for the 5t, 8t and 12t Intelligent Power Trailers (IPTs).

Support Corner: Preparing your DRASH™ genset for cold weather operations
With fall upon us, it is important that personnel prepare their DRASH™ Genset for the winter to keep it operationally ready for mission success.

How can Business Development help you? AOR Central edition

In an interview, central regional manager Trent Baer provides some insight about himself and his AOR.

For more information, please download the full issue here.