
Chemring EOD will be demonstrating its VehicleScan System at the General Police Exhibition and Conference (GPEC) in Leipzig 11-14 Sept 2012.

VehicleScan is an under vehicle surveillance system providing a safe and effective method for improving security at key facilities and vulnerable locations. The latest version of the system has an updated Graphical User Interface as well as an upgraded Image Comparison capability. It also offers a Stopover capability. This considerably enhances the detection capabilities of the system.

Chemring EOD produces a comprehensive range of counter threat solutions, to both military and civil environments and will provide enhanced security at a number of locations. VehicleScan has an impressive track record of being the product of choice to support the protection of key Critical Buildings and high-profile events. This has included Political Summits, the FIFA World Cup, and the Pan American games in 2011.

VehicleScan has been designed to be deployed for both a mobile and static use; mobile is used for rapid deployment, as it can be easily transported to any location. Static systems can protect a facility 24 hours a day seven days a week , monitoring all traffic entering and exiting a site where it can be used to identify IED’s, weapons, drugs, contraband, and hidden people.

The new versions of the system have already been delivered to European customers and the feedback has been extremely favourable.

Paul Taylor, Sales and Marketing Director, comments, " The security of key facilities and high profile events is vitally important and recent product developments continue to enhance the capabilities of VehicleScan.

"VehicleScan is in operational use with many customers and the feedback on our latest upgrades has been extremely complimentary. VehicleScan has been shown to be the top choice solution for improving security at vehicle access points throughout the world."