30 September
Scientists from Poland’s Military University of Technology (MUT) are examining whether thermal imaging cameras can be used to monitor Covid-19 in public places, WI Daily News reported. The FACE-COV system is a contactless remote device designed that uses thermal vision technology to monitor an individual’s body temperature. The reading takes two to three seconds.
US Joint Base Langley-Eustis (JBLE) has provided an update on Covid-19 restrictions. The Base Access Restriction Order has been amended and the facility is moving from HPCON Charlie to HPCON Bravo status. A message from the installation commander read: “Be encouraged – we each have a part in helping to change the course of Covid-19. Applicable public health guidance such as social distancing protocols, proper hygiene, and use of cloth face coverings must be consistently, and seriously, practiced.”
Office of the Undersecretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment executive director for international cooperation Gregory Kausner has said that the US Department of Defense (DOD) is focused on dealing with the impact of Covid-19 on the supply chain. Some of the steps taken include nation-to-nation diplomacy, engagement at the company level, and working with allies and partners to identify weaknesses in the foreign supply chain.