
Calytrix Training Systems (CaTS – Australia) was recently selected as the key provider of exercise support services (ESS) to the Joint Combined Training Capability (JCTC). Calytrix was selected to provide land environmental exercise support and exercise role player support to JCTC supported activities over the next three to five years. The Commonwealth’s requirement is that ‘The JCTC Exercise Support Services (ESS) Contract delivers support to realistic combat training which enhances ADF force preparation and facilitates high-end joint and/or coalition training outcomes with the provision of opposition forces (OPFOR) or electronic warfare (EW). For example, threat forces (THREATFOR) training effects and blue force (BLUEFOR) role players and human terrain into designated JCTC-supported exercises.’

The award of this contract builds upon Calytrix’s already strong delivery in exercise support. Calytrix provides critical support to a variety of ADF training activities and has a solid understanding of exercise design, conduct and evaluation. In the past 24 months Calytrix has provided elements of live, virtual and constructive (LVC) training for the Joint and Combined Training Capability (JCTC), Talisman Sabre 07, Vital Prospect 08, Pitch Black 08, Talisman Sabre 09, the Pacific Coalition Amphibious Synthetic Training (PCAST) exercise, the ADFWC, the Maritime Warfare Training Centre (MWTC), the Joint Decision Support Centre (JDSC), the New Zealand Army’s Lion Spirit exercise, each of the ADFs Mission Rehearsal Exercises and most recently a SOTG MRE.

For more information, please visit the Calytrix website.