Hotzone Solutions held their Live Agent Training event for business partners in Vyškov, the Czech Republic, over the period of June
In the training Hotzone’s instructors gave their partner organisations, many of whom are in the CBRN world, the opportunity to experience practical tasks in a live agent environment. For many of these personnel, this was the first opportunity they had to gain pratical knowledge and skills in this environment.
This training enabled personnel from Hotzone’s partners, who would otherwise not have the chance to participate in such field-based training, to be able use this experience within their own companies and work.
The personnel from their various partners had the chance to meet others from similar groups, share experiences and forge or renew business relationships. Present during this week were representatives from TNO, Hotzone Solutions Australia, the UN, Turkish Military, Seibersdorf Laboratories, Marble Consulting, and Avon Protection.