
Using state of the art technology, Fischer Connectors is a leading company in the design, manufacture and distribution of high-performance connectors.

Now, you can access many of our product components in 3D CAD downloadable files. This new comprehensive online 2D and 3D images library provides you the ability to configure and download the connectors and components that meet your project requirements.

Known for reliability and precision, Fischer’s products are used where faultless quality is a requirement, in medical equipment, industrial instrumentation, measuring and testing devices, broadcast, telecommunication, defence and security applications or in extreme environments (water, vacuum, vibration).

Innovative and flexible, we are committed to provide customized solutions for each application. For more than 50 years, we have been continuously developing new concepts and our product range comprises over 10,000 connectors and accessories.

To access Fischer Connector’s CAD images library (available through 3D ContentCentral®), log on to