
Nurol Makina’s Ejder Yalçın continues its progress with different configurations for different missions. The company has so far delivered five different configurations of the 4×4 Ejder Yalçın to different users around the world and will be displaying the ambulance version of the vehicle at IDEF 2019.

The design of the armoured ambulance has taken into account all the needs of today’s battlefield and all of its functions and capabilities have been developed in a way that complies with the standards of military ambulances.

Ejder Yalçın is ranked first in its class in terms of the level of protection, mobility and payload capacity. Some of the configurations of the vehicle include: explosive disposal vehicle, air defence vehicle, command and control vehicle, armoured combat vehicle, CBRN reconnaissance vehicle, personnel carrier vehicle, mine / IED detection clearance vehicle, ambulance, and border surveillance & security vehicle.

Nurol Makina is continuing its work on different configurations of the vehicle in line
with the contracts it has signed with different users around the world.

Nurol Makina general manager Engin Aykol emphasises that the different configurations of the vehicle bring an added value to the user: “Our work on such different configurations is the most concrete sign of the maturity of our organisational capacities. Different configurations increase the value of a vehicle family to meet different needs of the user on a single platform, and they bring a great benefit to users.

“Some configurations that we developed with this approach now enjoy a very important position in the world. In the upcoming period, we will continue to deliver to our different users platforms that perform their tasks in the best way”.