
CMMISoftware company Systematic has, once again, been reassessed at the fifth and highest level for the international project maturity model, CMMI.

For the third time, Systematic has proved that the company has the work processes in its IT development projects under control.
An external Lead Appraiser spent two weeks at Systematic’s head office in Aarhus, Denmark, to appraise the way the company handles its projects. The verdict could not be clearer: Systematic is still part of the elite.

The software company is among only approximately 200 companies in the world, of which 15 are European, to hold a CMMI assessment at the fifth and highest level.

"The CMMI 5 reassessment is recognition of our intensive efforts to continuously optimise and enhance our software processes with a view to delivering quality software on time and to the agreed price", says president and CEO Michael Holm.

According to Michael Holm, customers can trust that they get value for money when they engage in both small and large development projects with Systematic.

Not least because the company is one of the very few who have successfully combined CMMI with Lean and agile development principles in recent years. This ensures a closer and more flexible cooperation with the customer and provides the customer with the ability to adjust his requirements to the solution during the development. Systematic has received great international recognition in the software development community for this unique combination of methods.

Systematic continually measures its reliability of delivery and last year 93% of all milestones were delivered on time.
The new CMMI reassessment is valid for three years. To maintain this assessment the work processes will be reappraised in 2015.

Systematic has been CMMI certified at level 5 since 2005.