
DTU pr

CST has expanded its capabilities by engaging in a partnership with The Danish Technical University (DTU) to optimise the CST laser illuminator for more coherent performance and extended operating time.

The mutual beneficial programme began in May, and will have a duration of ten months.

CST has been working with DTU Fotonik to transfer technology and to optimise the newest technology in its portfolio, which is an infrared laser illuminator for better performance.

DTU Fotonik specialises in light sources and industrial sensors, and is spending 400 hours in collaboration with CST to optimise CST’as laser illuminator.

The laser illuminator is integrated into the CST Pan & Tilt unit, PTZI-1000, together with a long-range camera which is specially designed for border and coastal day and night surveillance.

Together with the high-sensitivity camera, an area can be protected 24/7 by continuous surveillance, even under harsh environmental conditions like severe shaking or vibration, and under temperatures ranging from -40° to 70°.

The new version of the laser illuminator provides a more powerful and coherent laser beam to light up the targeted area.

To increase the laser power and coherence, a new powerful laser driver has been implemented and the cross section of the beam has been reduced by 50%.

Furthermore the new version of the laser illuminator is upgraded to have a self-monitoring analysis and reporting technology (SMART) control and thermo stating function to extend and protect the lasers lifetime.

Contact CST to get more information on the technical specifications of the infrared laser illuminator and the PTZI-1000 solution.