
Following thorough testing, NATO has approved Systematic’s Command & Control (C2) software for use on the Afghan Mission Network (AMN). Completion of the rigorous tests means that SitaWare Headquarters and SitaWare Headquarters WebCOP can now be deployed operationally.

Testing began in February 2012, when Systematic completed a NATO Coalition Interoperability Assurance & Validation (CIAV) test, during which data was successfully exchanged with the current AMN solutions (NIRIS, JocWatch and IGeoSIT) and final security checks were passed during early April.

SitaWare Headquarters is a rapidly deployable, off-the-shelf C2 framework that provides a full Common Operational Picture (COP), showing force activities as well as resources available; while SitaWare Headquarters WebCOP provides joint staffs and task force commanders with a detailed joint COP of large-scale operations using high-performance web technologies.

Together, they support headquarters staff in planning and executing operations with a comprehensive set of tools for command and control, operational planning and situational awareness – fulfilling all core requirements straight out-of-the-box.

This approval paves the way for Systematic customers to bring their SitaWare C2 solutions into the ISAF battlespace network.