
Following successful trials at home, the Swedish Armed Forces have just deployed Systematic Defence products, SitaWare Headquarters and SitaWare WebCOP, as a part of their ISAF C2-platform.

The Swedish Armed Forces participate in the Afghanistan mission as part of Regional Command North situated in Mazar-e Sharif, with a current troop contribution of 500 soldiers. The build-up for deployment of the Swedish C2-system in Afghanistan started back mid-2010, with early planning, followed by intense tests and initial deployment in April 2011.

The initial installation of SitaWare Headquarters 4.9 will provide the Swedish Armed Forces with MIP interoperability, an essential part of ISAF technical requirements, as well as COP and planning capability. SitaWare WebCOP is used for track distribution, including NFFI presentation in SitaWare Headquarters.

Systematic is immensely proud of being able to provide the Swedish Armed forces with just a tiny piece of their mission in Afghanistan, a piece which will hopefully increase situational awareness and communication capability amongst the many participating ISAF nations.