
IRIS organisational messaging from Systematic has been approved by the Nato Communication and Information Systems Services Agency (NCSA). Having successfully passed rigorous testing by NCAS, IRIS organisational messaging is now listed on the Nato approved fielded products list (AFPL).

IRIS organisational messaging extends the familiar capabilities of Microsoft® Outlook® and Exchange® into the military domain, where information is delivered based on people’s roles rather than their names.

With more than 100,000 users in over 30 countries worldwide, the IRIS software framework is now the de facto standard for military messaging. The IRIS suite of software provides users with combat-proven messaging capabilities, which has been developed over more than 15 years.

The approval means that IRIS organisational messaging can now be integrated into Nato’s North European Command CCIS project and is also approved for use on Nato’s highly secure military networks around the world.