Barrett Communications is pleased to release its range of internally fitted encryption modules to suit its 2000 series and PRC-2090 series manpack transceivers.

The digital modules implement a proprietary mixed excitation linear predictive (MELP) vocoder at 2400bps or 1400bps and orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) modem.

MELP digital voice provides excellent voice quality and OFDM modem allows fast synchronisation. The three modules available offer varying levels of encryption:

  • AES 256 encryption and includes a fall back analogue FFT scrambler for use on extremely bad HF channels.
  • P/N BCO20509 for 2000 series transceivers
  • P/N 2090-01-17 for PRC-2090 series manpack transceivers

(Note: this option requires an Australian Department of Defence Export Licence)

  • DES 56 encryption and includes a fall back analogue FFT scrambler for use on extremely bad HF channels.
    • P/N BCO20510 for 2000 series transceivers
    • P/N 2090-01-18 for PRC-2090 series manpack transceivers
  • Analogue FFT scrambler
    • P/N BCO20511 for 2000 series transceivers
    • P/N 2090-01-19 for PRC-2090 series manpack transceivers

    The modules are programmed with their keys and options via the serial port of the transceiver using provided PC based software.

    Depending on the application encryption algorithms can be supplied to comply with various standards or as fully proprietary.