Armed forces need reliable logistics for transport, vehicles, warehousing, and freight forwarding services to perform missions on land, in the air and at sea. Military logistics companies are vital in ensuring this reliability is available whenever defence forces should need it.
Defence and warzone logistics ensure the supply of essential goods and supplies for troops deployed in remote combat zones.
Discover leading military logistics companies
Based on its experience in the sector, Army Technology has listed established suppliers of army logistics products and services for military and peacekeeping operations. The list includes providers of equipment and vehicle transportation services, spares and reverse logistics, tooling and maintenance parts logistics, and spares packages for military vehicles, aircraft, communication systems, munitions and weapon systems.
The information available in the download document is useful for strategists, procurement officers, defence logistics managers, army logistics supply specialists, armed forces logistics/support officers, and other individuals involved in the planning, acquisition, supply or distribution of equipment and systems for defence forces.
The download provides detailed information on the logistics service providers and their product and service offerings, as well as with contact details to help with purchasing or hiring decisions.
See Also:
Logistics in the military
Army logistic solutions are designed for each stage of the military supply chain and include:
- Military and strategic cargo shipping and transport logistics
- Life support services, operations and maintenance, and logistics support services
- War zone logistics services and freight forwarding
- Technical publications, integrated logistics support, and safety and training
- Tactical, logistics and medical mobile shelters
- Workspace, vehicular logistics, capability development and support
- Military vehicle spare parts and accessories distribution
Choosing a defence logistics solution
Highly competitive and customisable defence logistics solutions ensure an uninterrupted supply of critical defence industry goods and materials, such as oversized loads, hazardous materials, and explosives.
Ordering quality and reliable spares, subsystems, and accessories, as well as technical services for logistics, is essential to ensure smooth operations in military settings and war zones.