
Argon Electronics’ Canadian representative Patlon Aircraft & Industries has been awarded a multi-million dollar contract to equip the Canadian Forces with Argon’s chemical warfare training simulators.

The simulators will be used to train Canada’s military on the equipment and procedures for detecting chemical warfare agents and toxic industrial chemicals.

Argon will supply the company’s flagship PlumeSIM™ training systems, as well as simulators for several of the Canadian Forces’ chemical detectors, including the Proengin AP4C™ detector and the S4PE surface sampler, and simulators for the Smiths Detection LCD3.3™ personal detector and LCD-Nexus™ fixed-site detector.

The simulation systems are to be deployed at the chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear training facility at Canadian Forces Base Borden and several other bases throughout Canada.

"Argon and Patlon Aircraft Industries have worked extremely hard together to secure this important contract, which will be delivered over the next eighteen months," said Steven Pike, managing director of Argon.

"This contract represents a huge vote of confidence in both our simulation products and our company. That confidence results from not only the performance but the cost-effectiveness of our systems. For example, the PlumeSIM system has a modular and highly flexible architecture, enabling our customers to expand and adapt the system in the future as their CBRN training needs change."